

3D Computerised Wheel & Chassis Alignment

3D Computerised Wheel and chassis alignment allows our mechanics to perform the most precise wheel alignment on all types of cars. Four cameras measure each wheel while integrating a reference system with camber and inclination pendulums in each sensor head. This ensures reproducible results without complicated calibration.

Incorrect alignment can result in rapid and irregular tire wear and affect the vehicle's handling and safety.

Wheel alignment is generally affected by an accident, hitting road potholes, or excessive wear to steering or suspension components. Aligning wheels and tires to the specifications required by a vehicle is an important way to guarantee a smooth ride and get the most out of your tires.

The direction and angle at which tires are set are both important. Wheel alignment involves checking the direction and angle against vehicle manufacturers’ specifications and is equally important. You may hear these described as toe in, toe out, positive camber, or negative camber.

The "Toe” refers to whether the front of the tires across an axle is closer or further apart than the rear of the tires. Different types of vehicles need different toe settings to allow for the way that wheels pull either towards each other or apart.

The "Camber” is a tire's inward or outward tilt, and the manufacturer specifies it. Potholes in the road can affect it, so it needs to be checked regularly to see if any adjustment is required.

Incorrect wheel alignment can result in rapid wear on the edges of the tire, which could affect the vehicle's handling and certainly mean a replacement earlier than would otherwise be required. An example reading would be 2-4-4mm or, as in the image (below right), 2-1-0mm.

It’s worth watching for unusual wear on your tires, such as premature wear on the inside or outside shoulder, which an incorrect camber setting could cause.


